upavishtha (seated)  

Posted by Zimmerman Stein

dandasana (staff pose) don-DAHS-anna
instructions: brad's iyengar yoga notebook - yandara institute

sukhasana (easy pose) suk-AHS-anna
instructions: yoga journal - my yoga online - indian yoga asana

siddhasana (accomplished pose) sid-DHAS-anna
instructions: yoga art and science - aura wellness center

baddha konasana (bound angle pose) BAH-dah cone-AHS-anna
instructions: yoga journal

upavishtha konasana 1 (seated angle pose) oo-pah-VEESH-tah cone-AHS-anna
instructions: yoga art and science - yoga wiz - about.com
upavishtha konasana 1 (seated angle pose) variation

ardha padmasana (half lotus pose) are-dah pod-MAHS-anna
instructions: yoga art and science - syvum

padmasana (lotus pose) pod-MAHS-anna
instructions: yoga journal - yoga art and science

gomukhasana (cow face pose) go-moo-KAHS-anna
instructions: yoga journal - healthy living club

(seated side bend)

(seated single leg side bend)

parsva sukhasana (simple twist)

bharadvajasana 1 (bharadvaja's twist) bah-ROD-va-JAHS-anna
instructions: yoga journal

ardha matsyendrasana (half lord of the fishes pose) ARE-dah MOT-see-en-DRAHS-anna
instructions: yoga journal
ardha matsyendrasana (half lord of the fishes pose) variation

paripurna navasana (full boat pose) par-ee-POOR-nah nah-VAHS-anna
instructions: yoga journal

vajrasana (thunderbolt or diamond pose) VAJ-RAHS-anna
instructions: yoga study - my yoga online - yoga adhyaya
vajrasana (thunderbolt pose) variation
instructions: ayurvedic talk

virasana (hero pose) veer-AHS-anna
instructions: yoga journal

simhasana (lion pose) sim-HAHS-anna
instructions: yoga journal

agnistambhasana (fire log pose) ag-ni-stom-BAHS-anna
instructions: yoga journal - yoga guru

anjali mudra (salutation seal) ON-jol-ly MOO-drah
instructions: yoga journal

weight 136 lb = 61.6 kg

self anger  

Posted by Zimmerman Stein

anger towards self for being so unreliable. i didn't do what i needed to do today. didn't do what i said i would do. didn't answer the phone. didn't eat right. didn't obey my vows. didn't do morning sadhana. didn't go to the store. didn't take care of bills. didn't do dishes. didn't pay attention to feelings. didn't go to bed on time. now i'll have to miss yoga tomorrow morning! didn't take care of my self!

asanas overview  

Posted by Zimmerman Stein

standing poses
arm variations
seated poses
reclined poses
forward bends
core poses
backward bends
restorative poses

pranayama basic series  

Posted by Zimmerman Stein

1. long deep breathing
a. 10x (rt) thumb to (rt) nostril. inhale (lft) nostril
b. 10x switch sides: (lft) thumb to (lft) nostril
2. long deep breathing alternating nostrils
a. 1 minute (rt) thumb to (rt) nostril, inhale (lft) nostril, (rt) ring finger blocks off (lft) nostril, exhale (rt) nostril, repeat, then to end inhale (lft) nostril and hold for 10 seconds, exhale out both nostrils
b. 1 minute switch sides: (lft) thumb to (lft) nostril
3. breath of fire
a. 1 minute (rt) thumb blocks off (rt) nostril. b.o.f. (lft) nostril
b. 1 minute switch sides: (lft) thumb to (lft) nostril b.o.f. (rt) nostril
c. 1 minute b.o.f. both nostrils
4. breath of fire alternating nostrils
a. 1 minute alternate (rt) thumb to (rt) nostril and (rt) ring finger to (lft) nostril. inhale (lft) nostril. in a b.o.f. rhythm exhale (rt) and inhale (lft)
b. 1 minute switch sides: (lft) thumb to (lft) nostril and (lft) ring finger to (rt) nostril
5. to end
a. 15 seconds inhale and hold the breath
b. feel the energy circulating throughout the body

grocery anger  

Posted by Zimmerman Stein

anger towards strangers 1. old man not moving fast enough. he was coming out of the jewel and i was waiting to go in thru the same door. i motioned with my hand for him to hurry up. 2. employee walking out for break not paying attention to anything around her as she approached her friend. i was trying to pass her. 3. male employee smoking, standing in front of the garbage can. i said excuse me. he moved too slowly out of my way, pretending to ignore me. then as i departed, he moved back with deliberateness. i wanted to smash his face. 4. basket stuck to other basket. 5. big woman moving too slow across the front of the isles. 6. warning people in my head to stay clear as i made the turn into the produce department. 7. indie guy looking at me like he thought i'd been checking out his style. 8. woman blocking the isle. 9. jewel hasn't restocked the quorn product i want. 10. old couple moving too slow. 11. employees talking and not working, compromising the isles with stock to be shelved. (a guy customer, said sorry cause i was trying to get by the area where he was shopping and other carts full of stock were sitting. i said, oh no problem, its all blocked up. i felt superior and felt he was superior too.) 12. guy behind me in line let me know a check-out kiosk was free. he seemed to imply frustration that i hadn't noticed it. 13. i was too busy watching the guy checking out that was taking too long. 14. guy going too slow pushing his cart out of the store. i went around him. 15. ignored the woman hawking newspapers in the rain. 16. big woman on the ground asked me for five dollars. i wanted to yell in her face, "get up off the ground!" 17. cab driver blocked the turn lane to let out a passenger. a car was behind him waiting. i wanted to cross but had to wait cause i knew the car would too soon whip around the cab. 18. i had to wait for the light to actually change. 19. then i crossed the street and had to wait for the light to change again so i could cross perpendicularly. 20. vibed anger towards people on the sidewalks far away from me as i crossed.

yamas (think of the extremes)  

Posted by Zimmerman Stein

for me it helps to think of the extreme that i'd be if i "give in to the feeling". my habit has been to minimize the effects, consequences, ramifications, complexities of behavior - where an event is viewed as minuscule, isolated, unrelated, "no big deal". when i think of the full trait or character as me, the person i've been, then i see it as uninteresting, undesirable, repellant, not me.


Posted by Zimmerman Stein

yama 'death', is a rule or code of conduct for living which will help bring a compassionate death to the ego or 'the lower self'. yamas comprise the 'shall-not' in our dealings with the external world as the niyamas comprise the 'shall-do' in our dealings with the inner world.

10 yamas are codified as 'the restraints" in numerous scriptures including the shandilya and varaha upanishads, the hatha yoga pradipika by gorakshanatha, and the tirumantiram of tirumular. pataƱjali lists only five yamas in his yoga sutras.

5 yamas of pataƱjali - yamas are the first limb of the eight limbs of raja yoga. they're found in the sadhana pada verse 30 as:
ahimsa (non-violence) - to do no harm, vegetarian, harsh words are a form of violence.
satya (truthfulness) - the truth that equals love, universal reality, unchangeable, immutable, that which has no distortion. human life goes through changes therefore it is not satya. satya is the benevolent use of words and the mind for the welfare of others.
asteya (non-stealing) - not stealing, not coveting, not hoarding, as well as not obstructing other people's desires in life.
brahmacharya (celibacy) - sexual continence - preserving and sublimating male sexual energy rather than losing it through ejaculation.
aparigraha (non-possessiveness) - limit possessions to what is necessary, absence of avariciousness, non-appropriation of others things.

observance of the abstinences, or yamas, help attain a healthy mind and body. for attaining control over the mortal body, the yamas (together with the niyamas) are the essential first two steps. it is not enough to observe them for their individual ends (i.e. eradication of hostility, conquering self, etc.); one must follow them without a desire for any end goals. the secret to attainment of these is to harness the mind into thinking of the opposite of the element one needs to overcome.

am i doing too much?  

Posted by Zimmerman Stein

hello folks
am i doing too much?
thank you
am i living my life yet?
am i avoiding life?
"yes. its natural."
i'm filled with grief?
"yes. feel the grief the way you settle into your sit bones. be comfortable with it and your other feelings. let the feelings flow up. there's no need to push feelings down. that's when we avoid life. and another way is by not getting done what we know must be done."
thank you
"and remember what you've learned about dissolving. practice mindfulness and nature will take care of you. we're always here. just ask for us."
thank you
"you're welcome. and remember, be mindful of your center."

taoist 70% rule  

Posted by Zimmerman Stein

always reserve a piece of yourself for yourself. in asanas and relationships, don't go all the way, hold back a bit. i did 5 hours of yoga, worked hard, really stretched, participated fully, and i feel good and ready for tomorrow. in the past i would wear myself out with my interests and pursuits. i used to grind myself to the bone and give everything to a project. it used to eclipse my relationships and my health. i always felt some overwhelming need to be successful at something, to prove myself. i've replaced that with the 70% rule.

yoga anger  

Posted by Zimmerman Stein

anger towards the yoga instructor for not being clear, speaking too fast, judging me, not helping me when i wanted her to, telling me to put the new student form in the box when i completed it.

a yogic lifestyle  

Posted by Zimmerman Stein

the 8 limbs, or petals, of patanjali's yoga sutras form the philosophical foundation for the practice of hatha yoga. rather than steps or stages, they are actually interdependent aspects of a holistic way of life and include guidelines for cultivating the body, the mind, and the spirit. the 8 limbs are: ethical standards (yama), and self-discipline (niyama) - such as non-violence, honesty, non-stealing, purity and study - that lay the groundwork for the practice itself, posture (asana), breathing (pranayama) - which brings the mind into harmony with the body, sense restraint (pratyahara), for keeping the energy from dispersing, concentration (dharana), meditation (dhyana), for realizing our true nature, and ecstacy or final liberation (samadhi).

away we go  

Posted by Zimmerman Stein

5am-7am - morning sadhana - (at the studio) greg's long set kundalini/sat nam long chant/open eye meditation with life stream
8am-12pm - yoga practice - pilates with mari winsor/kundalini with gurmukh/hatha @ yogaview on division with cheryl (4pm), taught by substitute Jenny Boeder. she was great. her set really worked on the back of the legs and opening up the hips. lots of down dog. my heals were actually making down to the floor. one asana i didn't know was an amazing calf stretch. one leg is out in front and you pull toward the back wall. i felt it in my temples.

1/2 hour - evening friendship - dinner with bill & cheryl
1/2 hour - evening study - yoga journal's yoga for beginners booklet with patricia walden
1/2 hour - evening process coaching work - daily journaling with the folks, keeping appointments from any triggers throughout the day.
undone - 1/2 hour - evening chores - cooking, baking, dishes, cleaning, laundry
undone - 1/2 hour - evening pranayama - breathing for balance and centeredness

weight 136.5 lb = 62kg